Friday, January 22, 2010

Photography is Fun Workshop -February 13th 2010 9am-12 pm Diana Simpson Photography

I am so excited to announce my "Photography Is Fun" workshop. It will be Saturday, February 13th 9 am- 12 pm. Snacks will be provided. We had so much fun at the last couple of workshops and I have received a lot of positive feedback from those who came. Here are a couple...

Diana, great class tonight. We really enjoyed it and I can't ait for some time to practice with our favorite baby model.
-Trey Commander

I loved the class on Monday night. You are a great presenter and covered so much in a short time. I loved that you had the folder with the handouts and having the examples on the computer screen was very helpful. I knew nothing about our camera until Monday! I also enjoyed the fellowship and thought it was just a fun evening. I spent today going over all my notes and typing them in a more organized way to share with my husband. I wish he had been able to come. He would have enjoyed it. Please let me know if you have another class.
Thanks for all the great info!

Thank you for the class.. I really learned a lot! Actually went to Wolf Camera today and got a flash for my camera.. can’t wait to try it out.. ;)
-Heather M. Hatfield

Hi Diana!
I thought the class was very informational...I really learned a lot! See you soon!

This class is targeted for individuals who have a dslr camera. It is not manditory but we will be covering the settings on your camera and how to best use the features on a slr camera. I will be covering photography basics such as lighting and composition and showing you that photography is FUN! Drinks & snacks will be provided and we will also have a live mini shoot near the end of our time. Please email me if you have any questions and I look forward to meeting you soon!

Click below to pay online or Mail your check and form to 7016 Rocky Trail, Chatt, TN 37421

Photography is Fun Workshop

Here are some photographs taken by students from our first class:

Friday, January 15, 2010

And the winners are........

Congrats to the top 3 winners...

1st place - The Charapata Photo
2nd Place- The McCallie Photo
3rd Place - The Abraham Photo

Thanks to everyone who made this contest so fun!!! I am excited for the winners!
Your photographs will be on the splash page of my website starting next week.
Have a great weekend!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Diana Simpson Photography - Annual Favorite Photo Contest

Thank you to each and every one of my clients this last year. Every year gets better and better ... and it is all because of each of you! THANKS!!!

It is now time for my annual NEW SPLASH PAGE CONTEST!

I know that this is always fun and everyone works so hard getting family and friends to vote. I love all the images once again, and would be so happy to have any one of them on my splash page. Look to the bottom of this post for images and voting.

Voting ends Friday, January 15th at noon.

The top 3 images with the most votes will be the new splash page photos for my website and the 1 image with the most votes will receive a free 16x20 from their session or a $150 credit towards a new session.

Vote as many times as you want!

Pick your favorite photo from 2009

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